Pint of Grape Tomatoes: Discover the Exact Count Today!


Grape tomatoes are a popular and versatile addition to many dishes, from salads to pasta, and they even make a great snack on their own. Despite their widespread use, there remains a common curiosity: how many grape tomatoes are actually in a pint? Whether you’re planning your weekly grocery shopping or you’re simply curious about portion sizes, knowing the exact count can be surprisingly useful. In this article, we’ll explore the factors that affect the number of grape tomatoes in a pint, provide an approximate count, and discuss why this knowledge might be more important than you think.

The Size and Shape of Grape Tomatoes

Grape tomatoes are small, oval-shaped fruits that are slightly larger than cherry tomatoes but smaller than plum tomatoes. The size of grape tomatoes can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. Typically, they are about the size of a grape, hence the name. The uniform shape and size of these tomatoes make them easy to measure by volume, which is why they’re often sold by the pint.

The average grape tomato measures about 1 inch in length and weighs between 0.25 to 0.5 ounces. This variation in size and weight can influence the number of tomatoes that fit into a pint. Larger tomatoes will naturally reduce the total count, while smaller ones will increase it.

Factors Affecting the Count

When trying to determine the number of grape tomatoes in a pint, several factors come into play:

  1. Tomato Size: As mentioned earlier, the size of the tomatoes can vary, affecting how many fit into a pint. Smaller tomatoes mean more in a pint, while larger ones mean fewer.
  2. Packing Method: How the tomatoes are packed into the pint container also matters. If they’re loosely packed, there will be fewer tomatoes, but if they’re tightly packed, you can fit more into the same volume.
  3. Container Shape: The shape of the pint container can influence the count as well. A more tapered or rounded container might hold fewer tomatoes than a straight-sided one.
  4. Freshness: Freshly harvested tomatoes might have more moisture and therefore be slightly heavier, potentially reducing the number of tomatoes in a pint compared to drier, older tomatoes.

The Average Count: What to Expect

After considering the various factors, it’s time to get to the numbers. On average, a pint of grape tomatoes contains between 20 to 30 tomatoes. This range accounts for the typical variations in tomato size and packing methods. For smaller grape tomatoes, you might find closer to 30 in a pint, while larger ones might yield closer to 20.

However, it’s important to note that this is just an estimate. The actual number can vary depending on the specific tomatoes you’re working with. If you’re following a recipe that calls for a pint of grape tomatoes, understanding this range can help you gauge how much you’re working with.

Why Does the Exact Count Matter?

You might wonder why anyone would care about the exact number of grape tomatoes in a pint. Here are a few scenarios where this information can be quite useful:

  1. Recipe Precision: Some recipes, particularly those that require exact measurements for flavor balance, might benefit from knowing the exact count of tomatoes. If a recipe calls for a pint of grape tomatoes and you’re trying to scale it, knowing the count can help you adjust portions accurately.
  2. Nutritional Information: If you’re tracking your food intake for dietary reasons, knowing how many tomatoes you’re eating can help you more accurately track calories, vitamins, and other nutrients.
  3. Grocery Shopping: When planning meals, knowing how many tomatoes are in a pint can help you determine how much to buy, especially if you’re preparing a dish for a specific number of people.
  4. Cost Analysis: For budget-conscious shoppers, understanding the number of tomatoes in a pint can help you compare prices and make more informed purchasing decisions.

Tips for Buying and Storing Grape Tomatoes

Now that you have a better understanding of the number of grape tomatoes in a pint, here are some tips for selecting and storing them:

  • Buying Tips: Look for grape tomatoes that are firm, with smooth skin and a vibrant color. Avoid tomatoes with wrinkles, soft spots, or signs of mold. If possible, opt for organic tomatoes to reduce exposure to pesticides.
  • Storing Tips: Store grape tomatoes at room temperature away from direct sunlight to maintain their flavor and texture. Refrigerating tomatoes can cause them to lose flavor and become mealy. If you must refrigerate them, bring them back to room temperature before serving to enhance their taste.
  • Using Leftovers: If you have leftover grape tomatoes, there are plenty of ways to use them up. Toss them into a salad, roast them with olive oil and herbs for a delicious side dish, or add them to pasta or sandwiches for an extra burst of flavor.


Understanding the exact number of grape tomatoes in a pint may seem like a small detail, but it can have a big impact on your cooking, shopping, and dietary planning. While the average pint contains between 20 to 30 grape tomatoes, the actual number can vary depending on factors like tomato size and packing method. By knowing this information, you can make more informed decisions in the kitchen and at the grocery store, ensuring that you always have the right amount of tomatoes for your needs.

By Admin